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Reviewed January 2025


Linlithgow Rose is committed to ensuring that access to the football club for disabled and less able supporters and staff is as effective and efficient as we can make it and that they are able to enjoy their time with us at Prestonfield.


Jon Mahoney, Committee Member, is the nominated Disability Officer. You can contact him on 07849836511 or email


Linlithgow Rose will ensure that there is no discrimination between disabled people with differing impairments and will make every effort to comply fully with its legal obligations as set out in the Equalities Act 2010.


In recent seasons the club has:


  • Created a disabled viewing platform with a covered shelter to allow unobstructed viewing for its users (on the same level as the accessible toilet)

  • Replaced existing ramps on the terracing to reduce the gradient

  • Added a handrail beside existing accessible access paths and ramps

  • Added a handrail beside the ramp to the accessible toilet

  • Added a handrail to steps on the stand side terracing

  • Added a handrail from the bottom to the top of the terracing near the tea hut

  • Used high visibility warning paint on designated step areas within the stadium

  • Added a universal “radar” lock to the disabled toilet

  • Painted markings on the terracing around the floodlight pylon to highlight narrowing of the path for wheelchair users in that area

  • Repainted barriers on the terracing to improve visibility for the visually impaired


Our commitment is to ensure that Prestonfield – a “traditional” rather than flat-standing stadium is as accessible as we can make it.


The committee are fully aware of their responsibilities in supporting people who need a little extra assistance. There is always someone available to open the main gate for supporters using wheelchairs or mobility scooters. The main stand is always attended by one or more committee members or stewards with a responsibility for ensuring all patrons reach their seats safely.


Complaints or suggestions for improvement are discussed and acted upon at full committee meetings.


Any complaint of discrimination by our staff or customers will be fully examined by the Committee at their first available meeting.


Disabled Parking is available in the Car Park with the spaces close to the East Gate. A path runs from the car park to the terracing on the north side of the ground where the covered, accessible viewing shelter is to be installed. For high profile or busy matches, we restrict access to the entire car park for use by players, match officials and those with blue badges only. Thus, whilst the parking bays may not all conform to disability guidance, they are nonetheless reserved for use by less able supporters to ensure they can secure easy access to the stadium. Additionally we have an agreement with business units directly opposite the stadium (only a few metres from the entrance to the stadium) to use their parking bays for supporters with blue badges. These actions increased available parking for less able supporters from 2 spaces to around 25 spaces.



Linlithgow Rose will not tolerate any discrimination on grounds of sex, gender, ethnicity, colour, nationality, religion or disability.  Please see our policy on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion which deals with this in greater depth.

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